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Scholarship project "UNE BOURSE POUR TOUS"

EduCare Benin has decided to develop the project " UNE BOURSE POUR TOUS" to facilitate school access to populations in Benin namely the poorest of Abomey-Calavi and around. The project  is a program that aims to award a scholarship to Beninese children who do not have stable financial resources. It will cover the management costs associated with the children's education. The scholarship is open to all children (regardless of gender) living on the Benin’s territory specially Abomey-Calavi and around. We bring a special touch by giving priority to orphans (without one or both parents) and to children exclusively in the care of their mothers (single mothers abandoned by their husbands who bear the financial burden alone).

Our impact in education




students and youth enrolled in basic education

schools touched by our programs

families impacted or helped so that children can attend school

Criteria for selecting beneficiaries


  • Be Beninese (Benin Nationality)

  • Have a real need to be supported financially

  • Willingness to study

  • Be at least 9 to 20 years old at the time of the granting of the scholarship

  • Have at least the certificate of primary education (children included are students in the 6th grade through 12th grade)


NB: Some criteria may undergo changes due to the intellectual capacity of some children.

Project Objectives


  • Working for access to school for all children especially orphans and children in charge of their mother

  • Supporting the Beninese government in the framework of the free education

  • Provide the possibility of a better future for poor children



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